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III. SRI LANKA’S Social Diversity some one, people, faith, and you can gender

III. SRI LANKA’S Social Diversity some one, people, faith, and you can gender

Establish populace regarding Sri Lanka is just about 18.step three million (1996) from which 9.3 mil try male and you may 9 billion female. The common population thickness are 250 for each sq. kilometres, which have fifty to three 000 since the lower and you may higher densities correspondingly. The organization price of the inhabitants is actually step 1.cuatro % (1980–1990), the population likely to reach twenty five million because of the middle twenty first century. Living span of individuals are 73 ages and you can newborn mortality rates are also lowest (24 for each and every step 1 000). An effective 35 percent of the population try less than 15 years and you will 55 % of your own population significantly more than 54 decades (EIU, 1997).

From the 70 percent of those live-in brand new southwestern town (damp region) which occupies about three-household of your own expanded property. Continue reading III. SRI LANKA’S Social Diversity some one, people, faith, and you can gender